Facebook Tricks


New Page Name Change Trick
Page Name Change Over 200 Likes
With Symbol Remove
1.First Open Google Chrome Then Go
To Settings --> Advance Settings -->
Change Proxy Settings --> Lan
Settings --> Change Proxy To New
Proxy :- Proxy:-58.180.4
5.119 ;Port:3128
2.Then Change Category To Local
Business And If There Is Old Address
Then Remove The Old Address
3.Then Go To Translated Name If U
Japanese Then Use This Symbol ッ
Chinese Symbol 人
Korean Symbol ㅿ
Save Then
4.Then Select English (US) If You
Changed Your Name Using Japanese
Symbol Then Change The Language To
Japanese For Arabic To Arabic,
Similarly For Others.
5.Then Change The Language After
Changing The Language Select The
Fifth Box
For Japanese,Chines

In The First Box Of Address Put 000 Or
In The Second Box Of Address Put
In The Third Box Of Address Put
Then Save With Map
For Arabic
In The First Box Of Address Put Jordan
In The Second Box Of Address Put
In The Third Box Of Address Put 000
Or 00000
Then Save With Map
Then Change The Language To English
Name Change Is Done


How to Get Facebook Email Address


Facebook has just new features in which it will give email addresses to users ,at this time facebook email id is not open to everyone ,you have to request invittation.In order to get a invite to this new service you need to visit following  link where in you would be asked to click on the ‘Request Invite’ button.

if you are lucky you will get the yourname@facebook.com email id as soon as possible .Please note that Your email address will match your public username, for example:
Profile: facebook.com/username
Then your email address will be
Email: username@facebook.com
If you don’t have a username you can go here facebook.com/username/ to get or click below

Hacking Facebook with Javascript Codes



==Hacking Facebook with Javascript Codes:==
Because facebook relies so heavily on javascript, and because we can type javascript into the address bar, that means we can “poke” into the workings of facebook to do things that we wouldn’t normally be able to do. It’s not “hacking” exactly, but it employs the same sort of skills hackers use when looking into applications. The best part is that because it’s all using the same control codes (or “API”) that facebook uses, there’s no way for facebook to find out you’re doing it, so it’s totally safe! (I think…) Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything toododgy, just a few little tweaks
Facebook Hack: Sending your friends offline
Here’s a funny one; if you’re chatting to a friend, get them to paste the following code into their facebook address bar:
It’ll make them go offline! Of course it’s not permanent, they can go back online by clicking the icon as normal, or by giving the same command again
Facebook Hack: Change facebook color
Isn’t that cool? Just use the following code to get your profile colour changed and impress your friends!
Of course, you can use any colour you like; green, yellow,orange, black. It’s also fun to change it to “white” so you can’t see the text. Muahahaha. Again, only you can see it, but it does last until you log out or view certain special pages.
Facebook Hack: Get Chat History Even When Friends Aren’t Online
New: Video Tutorial for this hack.
Here’s a facebook hack that’s actually proven very useful to me in the past. One thing that I find annoying about facebook is that you can’t retrieve chat history if your buddy is offline… well now you can!
Click onto your friend’s profile page and copy their facebook ID from the address bar; i.e. the number after “id=”
It might look slightly different, perhaps like this: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=123132132213&ref=nf
But the important thing is to copy the number of the user, in our case 123132132213
Then while you’re still on facebook, type this into the address bar:
(with the correct ID of course)
And their chat window will pop up, saying “Jimbo is offline”. And if there’s any chat history, it will be displayed. How neat is that!
You can even open a chat window to yourself by pasting your own ID into the javascript, as seen to the right. You can use it for little notes to yourself, but remember that facebook chat history is cleared every few days, so don’t rely on it.
UPDATE1: A few people have had trouble pasting it in correctly, so here’s how it should be>javascript:buddyList.itemOnClick(123132132213)
UPDATE2: Now that we have facebook usernames, it can be little harder to determine the ID of a profile, but it’s still possible – here’s one way: right click the “see all” friends link and choose “copy link location”,
choose “open link in new tab”. The resulting URL will look something like this:
That’s it!
Facebook Hack: Change your name (temporarily)
This one’s a very simple hack that you can apply to any website. As you saw in the screenshot above, I’d changed my facebook to display as “Facebook | Leet Hax0r”. You can do this by using the following javascript:
javascript:void(document.title="Facebook | Neo");
Sadly, your friends will only see your actual name, not the new one, but it can make for some amusement in a computer lab class or anywhere where you can show people face to face.
Facebook Hack: Close chat windows
If you’re chatting to a friend and want to close the window, sure you can just click the ‘x’ in the top corner, but isn’t it cooler to do it with javascript? Well no not really, but if you can trick your friend into typing the following code in, you can close the chat window of anyone they’re chatting to:
That will close my chat with “123132132213″. You can send your friends that link with your own facebook ID in it, and it’ll close their chat window with you! And if you happen to know that ID:123 is chatting with ID:321, you can send the following to ID:123, and when they paste it in it’ll close their chat with 321!
Other Facebook Hacks
The hacks above are the most impressive, but there are a few other little things you can do which are mildly interesting:
Bring up notifications:
Bring up online friends list:
Bring up application tab:
Make text bold or underlined in facebook chat: use *stars* for bold text, and _underscores_ for underlined. There is no way to get italic text on facebook; see my comment here about  facebook chat italics. 

bypass the Facebook Verification (Verify Images) 


Okay so i am gonna show you guys a
little trick to
bypass the Facebook Verification
(Verify Images)
This is the new method to verify the
photos even if
the profile is blocked:
=> Step 1
Go to Google images search => Step 2
Type facebook+"name of 1st friend"
copy and paste
from blocked account
=> Step 3
Search , you will see the picture of the
1st friend in
the 1st 3 results => Step 4
If you didn't identify the picture,
repeat the same
If you didn't identify the friend.simply
skip the picture
and you will get another one (always
you have 2
Step 6 After you identify the 5 pictures
facebook will ask
you to change your password and
email password
=> Step 7
Change your facebook account
password and
confirm that you change your email
password (even
you don't) => Step 8
Now every thing is OK
=> Step 9
If you see this message(no
verification method is
available now) Just logout and wait 1
hour to login, if
you failed to verify the photos,
facebook will give you 1 chance to
verify 5 pictures every 1 hour. 


How to safe our Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers 


How to safe our Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers?

Are you afraid of someone who hacks your Facebook account? Yes you are at the right place. Just go through the following steps.
Before getting entered into the steps just read the lines which are given below:
How to safe your Facebook account?
If you are entering into facebook.com you can see the normal http protocol which sends an unsecure username and password to the server in online by unencrypted form. But replacing http by https, it means "secure" protocol in which the password you have type will be send full secured encrypted form. This is the difference between http and https.
Yes, you may ask how to change the facebook account in a secure form that is https.
Just follow the steps:
step 1: Open your facebook account.
step 2: go to account settings and click security tab which is seen at the left side of the window.
step 3: Under security settings click edit button of Secure Browsing tab
step 4: You can see the check box displaying "Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible". Check the box and click save changes button.
step 5: That’s it. Your facebook account is now safety..!

Get Tricks to Hack FB account 


A new facebook exploit allows anyone to access any photo album of non-friends as long as you have the link.
By following the simple steps shown in above image, you can bypass the security of Facebook and view photos of others online.

Photo: A new facebook exploit allows anyone to access any photo album of non-friends as long as you have the link.
By following the simple steps shown in above image, you can bypass the security of Facebook and view photos of others online.




Hack a Facebook account with Phishing page 


Phishing method is one of the most used ways to hack a Facebook account, but it isnt the easiest way but works 100%. You will get your victims credentials to login any online accounts. So if you dont have the Email address used to login your target Facebook, this method is the best way to hack someones Facebook account password. You can use Phishing page to hack other accounts i.e. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Twitter, Skype,...

1. What is Phishing?

Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details and sometimes, indirectly, money. Phishing is usually made through email which takes you to a site where your personal information is requested.
In order to create a Phishing page, you need 3 files:
  • A .html file: a fake login page of the site you want to get your victims credentials. Here we need to create a fake Facebook login page to hack a Facebook account.
  • A .php script file: which will post the data into a text file.
  • A .txt file: a file to store your victims credentials.

2. How to create a Facebook Phishing page?

Before learning how to hack a Facebook account, we will guide you how to create a Phishing page.
First, create a .html file. Go to the Facebook login page, right-click and copy and paste the page source of this page to a new Notepad file saved as "facebook.html"
We need to replace the URL of the Facebook login page (which is bordered with red in the image below) with "facebook.php".
How to create a Phishing page
Second, create a .php file. Open the Notepad, enter the code below and save as "facebook.php". After your victim enters his username and password on the Phishing link, he will be redirected to the official Facebook login page and his credentials will be stored in "password.txt" file.
Hack a Facebook account using Phishing
Third, create a .txt file. Just open a new Notepad file and save it as "password.txt". Now zip all 3 files to a .zip file.

How to hack a Facebook account?

Step 1: Upload all the 3 files created above to a free hosting site.
First, search for a free hosting site on the Internet. You can use 1freehosting, 2freehosting or any other free hosting sites.
Second, register for a new account. You should choose the similar name to Facebook or anything you like because we will shorten the URL link before sending to the victims.
Finally, upload the zip file. Just click to "Import Website". After that, you will have 3 files on your free hosting account
Hack a Facebook Password

Step 2: Send your victim the Facebook Phishing URL link.
First, shorten the Facebook Phishing URL link by using an online shorten tool on the Internet. The Facebook Phishing URL link should be in form of "yoursite.com/facebook.html".
Second, send your vicitm the fake login page. This is the most important step: you need to persuade your victim enter his/her credentials to the fake login page.
Finally, login your free hosting account, open the "password.txt" file to get your victims Email address and password to login Facebook


1 comment:

  1. Is there any way to increase my Facebook page likes to more than 1,000,000. So that my page gets verified?
    My page is https://www.facebook.com/ajujacobofficial .


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