1. What is Phishing?
Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details and sometimes, indirectly, money. Phishing is usually made through email which takes you to a site where your personal information is requested.In order to create a Phishing page, you need 3 files:
- A .html file: a fake login page of the site you want to get your victims credentials. Here we need to create a fake Facebook login page to hack a Facebook account.
- A .php script file: which will post the data into a text file.
- A .txt file: a file to store your victims credentials.
2. How to create a Facebook Phishing page?
Before learning how to hack a Facebook account, we will guide you how to create a Phishing page.
First, create a .html file. Go
to the Facebook login page, right-click and copy and paste the page
source of this page to a new Notepad file saved as "facebook.html"
We need to replace the URL of the Facebook login page (which is bordered with red in the image below) with "facebook.php".
Second, create a .php file. Open
the Notepad, enter the code below and save as "facebook.php". After your
victim enters his username and password on the Phishing link, he will
be redirected to the official Facebook login page and his credentials
will be stored in "password.txt" file.
Third, create a .txt file. Just open a new Notepad file and save it as "password.txt". Now zip all 3 files to a .zip file.
How to hack a Facebook account?
Step 1: Upload all the 3 files created above to a free hosting site.First, search for a free hosting site on the Internet. You can use 1freehosting, 2freehosting or any other free hosting sites.
Second, register for a new account. You should choose the similar name to Facebook or anything you like because we will shorten the URL link before sending to the victims.
Finally, upload the zip file. Just click to "Import Website". After that, you will have 3 files on your free hosting account
Step 2: Send your victim the Facebook Phishing URL link.
First, shorten the Facebook Phishing URL link by using an online shorten tool on the Internet. The Facebook Phishing URL link should be in form of "yoursite.com/facebook.html".
Second, send your vicitm the fake login page. This is the most important step: you need to persuade your victim enter his/her credentials to the fake login page.
Finally, login your free hosting account, open the "password.txt" file to get your victims Email address and password to login Facebook
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